2019-10-09NoveltiesLUMENS - new collectionThe LUMENS collection is dedicated to people who like original solutions.
2019-07-16NoveltiesTRAFFIC – new collectionPerfect room for your teenager will be guaranteed by the modern TRAFFIC system.
2019-07-16NoveltiesKUBU - new collectionYouth system inspired by the far Scandinavia and the Danish philosophy of happiness - hygge style.
2019-03-21SponsorshipLet’s Play Together! - Nike WęgrówThe ML Furniture Company supports local sports and cultural initiatives for many years. This year, once again, we focused on volleyball and female players of PMKS Nike Węgrów. The combination of their passion, hard work and talent made them already progress to the second league, and they are still fighting for more.
2019-03-19NoveltiesCONTRE - new collection
The Contre furniture is an original system characterized by a geometric shape.
2019-03-15NoveltiesAZURO - new collection
Azuro is a day collection that has been designed for contemporary interiors.
2018-12-11Spotkanie MikołajkoweW piątek 07.12.2018 odbyło się spotkanie Mikołajkowe dla dzieci naszych pracowników.
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